Thursday, January 31, 2008


I have recently reconnected with a friend who I lost track of. Life happened to us both. I know you will be reading this so here is a special photo for you! I really love the idea of the history of friendship. I also love the ease of my true friendships! We spoke last night after atleast six years?!!! It was amazing and familiar and wonderful! It was as if no time had passed, yet so much has happened. I truely love the connections I share with my people!

#2 Success!

Well, It looks like I got it to work! The photos wrapped a bit strangely... but for a first try, not too bad. Eric, John, Lucy, Ethel.

#1 Photos...

This is a bit intimidating but here we go! This is the beginning! I am commiting to this. My intentions are to record my somewhat surreal life here in Kensington market. Eric (the supportive Love of my life) thinks the blog should be called "the spouse who came home and ignored his husband and pets." So I took Lucy and Ethel (the dogs) for a walk. Here are some of the photos I took... My first experiment!