Wednesday, August 27, 2008

For Sandra...

I was thinking of you when I read this...

Henry David Thoreau.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It has been three years already!!!

We took our annual trip to the music garden on August 13th... Our tradition is to sit under the weeping willow tree where we got married and make our plan for the coming year. We ususally do pretty well achieving our goals.

Three years of wedded bliss!?! So much has happened in such a short amount of time. life seems to speed by so quickly. Anyway, These are a few of the photos I took while we talked and walked.

Another garden visitor...

I was fascinated by this praying mantis. I have never seen one before. He/she? hung out with me for part of the day while I created a garden. What a beautiful alien looking creature!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Leslie spit

This is my favourite place in the city. My bike my, ipod, and some time away from everything. It is a hidden gem. I recommend it if you need a place to gain some perspective! I try to ride here as often as possible. There was a lightening storm way out in the lake and the sun was shining and setting over the city. It was absolutely amazing and I am so glad I took the time on this particular day!

My Reward!!!

It has been a summer of hard work and long hours, but this was an amazing reward. I went to a spot the I like to think of as my own, but on this occasion, there were a lot of "others" there!!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Here is some more work we have been doing!

a few quick pics from my garden

I had a visitor.

I have been gardening like a mad fool... Today this dragonfly stayed with me for most of the day.