Sunday, September 28, 2008

I couldn't help myself...

I was sitting on a bench today drinking coffee and saw this woman walking up the street. She had this HAT? on her head...

I LOVE where I live.

Today was a Pedestrian Sunday. No cars. Lots of people and artists. The weather was perfect and I was able ,for a change, to take the day off. I caught up with friends, got to see great art, and listen to some talented musicians. One of the things I think is so wonderful about this area is that people from all over Toronto come here to enjoy themselves.

And then there was Penelope...

Congratulations Elizabeth and Andrew! She is so amazing!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

End of the Summer

This is another labour of love I have been working on for three years. I was brought in by the original gardener to help plant. The owners asked me to stay on and take care of the space and continue to help them develope it. Since they are both very good gardeners, It is a real pleasure to spend time with them. It was recently photographed for an upcoming issue of Gardening Life.

Nelopher's Garden

This is one of my jewels. It is a garden that Nelopher and I literally created from the ground up. We started with the soil and nothing else but the writing studio in the back. We added sand, compost, manure and more triple mix. We added (many) trees, then the path and water feature. (The water channel is a predominant feature in many Persian gardens.) The plants are growing like weeds! The trees have tripled in size in two years. We bought many of the plants and trees from Lost Horizons Garden Center in Acton. It is an amazing place with a unique selection of plants. The owner Larry is truely talented and I recommend him whenever possible.