Thursday, November 17, 2011

Looking forward... Not back.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dad and Josh.

So here is the thing....

I am a happy well adjusted person. But death and loss have made me ANGRY. I am not used to this.

There is not many photos of the three of us. Thanks for this one.

After Jack Layton died. At his home in Toronto.

This makes me happy.

Good Friends....

I love me my dragonflies...

so Here are some of my photos...

Building our home in costa Rica...

Our house

I am not above digging my own septic system... In Costa Rica.

Three Horses

This could be my favourite photo...

Oh, I miss my Lucy, she was amazing.

New York Last Year.

As always. We had the best time in New Your for American Thanksgiving. These photos were taken in the Guggenheim.

Horse in Puerto viejo

In the background is the town of Puerto Viejo. This horse, one of two herds that roam freely in the town, is just hanging out on the beach.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The ocean in front of our place in costa Rica... The sun rises over the ocean, and sets over the jungle. It is special and significant to be in this place.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Girl with dog and superman kite.

One of my favorite photos that I have taken. Costa Rica Feb 2011.

Beautiful, simple things... I saved this baby chick-a-dee. from being run over.

This is the day my Father died. His hand My sister Michelle's, and My hand. Wow was this significant, and so difficult.
March 31st, 2011

Seriously... So Glad I have Benny.


Joon. oh, what a terror...

My new dogs, Benny and Joon.

It has been quite a year, the kind that if it doesn't kill ya... Lucy, Ethel, and my father all died this past year. Just trying to get through it..

Ethel and Lucy. God I miss you.

My Dad.

Wow... Has life been busy...

This is a new beginning... I need to do this more it is such a nice journal! It is fall, and I will be posting new photos.