Saturday, February 16, 2008

The good in every place.

I just finished a three week stint working at one of my stores. Now being a downtowner, and needing to go this far out of the city just seems... unnecessary for a lot of reasons... However, there is beauty to be found even in a place called Orfus Road! You might have to look just a little harder, but it is there. Even the five block walk through the several blizzards we have had in the recent past! Produced some beautiful photos. Enjoy!

Wilson Subway looking back at Downtown Toronto

Thanks Angela for a great evening. This is the print we edited together!

I took this photo because I have been tracking this artist's work. My next posting will show more of the characters mostly from the Kensington area.... This was on the wall going down into the Spadina subway station. I took the photo from inside the streetcar as we came out from the underground station.

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