Saturday, March 22, 2008

"Winter Specials" or Cheesy Bush

I just had to... It was just too funny and too easy!!! I had no idea Bush had such a beautiful body!

This is worth a close up!!! The guys at Cheese Magic have a great sense of humour!

portraits of strangers

This was my first random photo that was a bit uncomfortable to take. It is a patch sewn onto a persons hat. I really liked the design and I felt as though I HAD to get a photo of it... Problem is, the person who owned the hat was a complete stranger, and I was not really comfortable asking so, when he was not looking I snapped the photo (his hat was on backward). I realize the photo is blurry, so why blog about it? What is the significance??? Well it was the leaping off point. I have started taking portrait photos in the city fearlessly walking up to people and asking if I can capture their image. Most people are suprized but agree! Some of these photos are taken without people knowing, and others are taken with permission.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Fog and Fashion & Fashion in Motion.

Me and the fashionistas!!! Or, The Fashionistas and I!!!

Well, here is a little known part of my life... I have somehow ,wonderfully, gotten mixed up with Toronto fashion through a very talented friend. Now, I am at best, fashion challenged when it comes to this world that I delve into once a year. My friend Lucian Matis ( who is from Transylvania (for real) is an amazing, talented, vibrant clothing designer. He is a good, very BUSY friend!!! He is someone to watch in the world of fashion. Even I can tell that. Here are some photos I took of his show for Toronto fashion week.

This is for Shar and Kevin!

One of the things I really love about Kensington is that it is a place people come to. They come to socialize, they come to shop, they come to eat, and they come to people watch. It makes it really easy to meet people. Especially if they have dogs wearing birthday hats. Meet Kevin. This was his first birthday (Last Saturday) and he was hanging in Kensington...

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Afternoon walk...

My afternoon was spent with friends. They were everywhere! We ARE tired of winter give us a little sun and we are all outdoors! I feel like I have not seen anyone in months... Here are a few photos of my afternoon walk, before running into most of the usual suspects, in the (unintentional) theme of yellow and blue. (sans chicken head!)

Happy Birthday Katey!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My walk this morning...

It was a sunny Sunday morning. I got up and took my dogs Lucy and Ethel for a walk. I took some photos and meandered through the market with a mug of hot coffee. Ethel was looking particularly stylin' with her new haircut... see first picture! Then see what I pulled out of her mouth when we got back into our loft! (last picture) You can dress her up, but you definately cannot take her out! (warning graphic content)

Now that is just disgusting!!! We do ,however, live in a market...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Canada Blooms?!!

Well eventually Canada will bloom again! For now it is an indoor event to wet our collective gardening appetite. It looks like we are getting more snow this weekend. What's a little more? We may as well break the 1939 snowfall record now. We are so close, I think we may all feel a little let down if we don't make it. It has been a pretty extreme winter here in Toronto. It reminds me of when I was a kid... I used to have to walk a mile through a blizzard uphill both ways... after milking the cows, just to go to school. No, wait... It was my Dad who said that!!! It is how I am beginning to feel though! Spring MUST be just around the corner?!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Beach???

After work today at my store in the beach... I made it a point to walk down to "The Beach" here in Toronto. I have been wanting to see the beach during the winter, but it is across town and it is, after all, not a common desitnation in the winter... I am glad I took the time.