Thursday, March 13, 2008

Canada Blooms?!!

Well eventually Canada will bloom again! For now it is an indoor event to wet our collective gardening appetite. It looks like we are getting more snow this weekend. What's a little more? We may as well break the 1939 snowfall record now. We are so close, I think we may all feel a little let down if we don't make it. It has been a pretty extreme winter here in Toronto. It reminds me of when I was a kid... I used to have to walk a mile through a blizzard uphill both ways... after milking the cows, just to go to school. No, wait... It was my Dad who said that!!! It is how I am beginning to feel though! Spring MUST be just around the corner?!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Such beautiful colours,John. I can't wait till spring.