Sunday, March 16, 2008

My walk this morning...

It was a sunny Sunday morning. I got up and took my dogs Lucy and Ethel for a walk. I took some photos and meandered through the market with a mug of hot coffee. Ethel was looking particularly stylin' with her new haircut... see first picture! Then see what I pulled out of her mouth when we got back into our loft! (last picture) You can dress her up, but you definately cannot take her out! (warning graphic content)

Now that is just disgusting!!! We do ,however, live in a market...


katherine said...

EWWWWWWWWW! That's so fucking disgusting! .....and kinda funny. The chicken looks really PISSED off!

Anonymous said...

Hi there -
We met Saturday with Kevin 'the birthday dog'. I've so enjoyed your photos -they're beautiful!