Sunday, February 17, 2008

Brunch in Parkdale is a wonderful thing...

This seems to be the mantra of the house... Welcome to the house of history makers!

We spent the afternoon brunching with no one other than the fabulous real estate mogul Gilda Greer (not her real name) and her equally fabulous roomie Roxanne (also not her real name). The names have been changed to protect the innocent???
Do you all remeber this mural from your doctor/dentist office.
It brings back warm 1970's fuzzy feelings! Ah, I can almost feel my parent's green shag carpet. Roxanne found a place to order this forest mural on line. I can think of nothing better than waking up in Roxanne's magic forest!

Karen... not home, too bad (not her real name). Found this little beauty! I swear this is no joke! it is straight off the shelf at a grocery store. Make sure to read the instructions. All those directions for a cleaning cloth! Nice translation!!!

Thanks for a really wonderful day!



Anonymous said...

I miss you.
Just wanted to say hi.
Looking forward to CR, in just one month.
Hope all is going well.
Talk to you soon.
I like the artwork you've showcased.

katherine said...

hahaha, awesome! apparently i NEED those cleaning instructions!!!

Good job on the blog, BTW! Gorgeous pictures. You're so multi-talented!!!