Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I still want to be "Where the Wild Things Are!"

I was walking through Blue Banana (a large art market/gallery) in Kensington market tonight after work and I saw Max. Max is the main character from "Where the Wild Things Are." This was my favorite childhood book. It was an unexpected trip to the past. I always pictured myself as max when I was a kid...

Max's imagination transforms his bedroom into an extraordinary setting, with a forest and an ocean and a little boat that Max sails in until he comes to a land full of "wild things." Although they look and sound very fierce, Max is able to tame them with a single glance. They all realize Max is "..the most wild thing of all" and make him their king. Max and the wild things have a fine time creating a rumpus until Max begins to want to be "…where someone loved him best of all." Max's fantasy ends when he smells his dinner. Despite the wild things' protests, Max sails back to his own room where he finds his supper waiting for him.

Time for dinner!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I loved reading Where the Wild Things Are to Adam.
We have a stuffed Max here at home. ;)